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One Universe: At Home in the Cosmos

Frontiers | Pages 188-189 | (back to unlinked version)

In other words, the microwave background is a photon screen that stops us from looking back in time all the way to the Big Bang itself. Clever scientists of the future may devise ways to penetrate that veil. They may learn to detect neutrinos External Link: Learn more about neutrinos, the ''little neutral ones'' of the universe. that flashed into space when the first elements fused or gravitational ripples External Link: Learn more about gravitational waves. in space-time that were created by the Big Bang. Fortunately, we don't need to wait for new technological advances to study gigantic explosions. Other blasts, quite visible to us today, are the biggest bursts of energy in the cosmos since the primeval Big Bang. We call them gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts..

How bright are gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts.? If we floated above Earth's External Link: Learn more about Earth from an astronomical perspective. atmosphere and had gamma-ray eyes, we would see flares of light as bright as Venus External Link: Learn more about the second planet from the Sun. blaze in the heavens once a day. After mere seconds they would vanish forever. They are so far away that to appear as bright as they do their energy releases must be enormous. The outputs of the most powerful bursts are equivalent to converting the entire mass of the Sun into pure energy in scarcely 10 seconds. For scientists who love explosions, gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. are as exciting as it gets.

Understanding what triggers gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. is one of the foremost challenges in high-energy astrophysics. Theorists have some intriguing ideas. But first some background. We can thank the Cold War for providing us with the satellites that first spotted gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts.. The Vela satellites External Link: A brief history of the Vela satellites., launched by the United States in the 1960s, were designed to spy gamma rays Internal Link:   from clandestine tests of thermonuclear weapons in the atmosphere. But instead of seeing Soviet bombs, the satellites saw one flash after another from space. It took years for military officials to declassify the data. When they did, in 1973, astronomers didn't know how to classify what they saw.

For two decades a debate divided the astrophysics community. Most researchers felt that gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. came from relatively nearby--perhaps from unusual stars in and around our Milky Way External Link: Learn more about the Milky Way galaxy we call home.. In that case the releases of energy would be impressive but not overly so. A vocal minority maintained that the bursts were fantastically powerful beacons from the depths of the observable universe. Neither camp reached a consensus on how the bursts arose. The confusion was evident in research papers. More than 2,000 were published during those two decades, advancing many notions about how gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. worked.

The logjam broke in the early 1990s with data from a new suite of satellites, including NASA's Compton Gamma Ray Observatory External Link: Learn more about this remarkable spaceborne observatory.. Measurements of the positions of thousands of gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. showed that they created a random pattern. Their distribution did not follow the hazy band of the Milky Way External Link: Learn more about the Milky Way galaxy we call home. on the sky, so it seemed unlikely that stars in our galaxy were the culprits. As the evidence mounted, astrophysicists abandoned their biases in favor of the minority view: gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. indeed were remote in the universe and unimaginably powerful. Near the end of the decade an Italian satellite called BeppoSAX External Link: Learn about the BeppoSAX telescope. helped solidify that conclusion. BeppoSAX External Link: Learn about the BeppoSAX telescope. pinpointed the positions of bursts quickly and accurately enough to beam their locations to observatories on the ground. Astronomers who received the messages swung their telescopes to those spots on the sky. For the first time, they saw visible glows from many bursts--occasionally within seconds, with the help of robotic telecopes. The glows, presumably from fireballs accompanying the bursts, often lingered for weeks. The Hubble Space Telescope and large telescopes on the ground followed up by taking images of the glows. Sure enough, they were embedded within faint fuzzy patches: distant galaxies. Spectra of the galaxies revealed that they were hundreds of millions or even billions of light-years away.

Satellite observations also revealed that gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. are as unique as fingerprints. They last anywhere from a few hundredths of a second to a few thousand seconds. Some bursts have multiple peaks of gamma rays Internal Link:  , while others have only one. (continued)

Enigmatic Cosmic Blasts

The powerful cosmic explosions called gamma-ray bursts External Link: Learn about SWIFT, a telescope designed to study gamma-ray bursts. are notoriously hard to study. Intense flashes of high-energy radiation, they can happen in any region of the sky without warning. But on January 23, 1999, astronomers from all over the world tracked the visible glow of a gamma-ray burst while it was still emitting high-energy radiation. The blast was the most powerful cosmic explosion ever recorded. For a brief moment the gamma-ray burst rivaled the radiance of 100 million billion stars. Follow-up images zeroed in on the host galaxy (right), located two-thirds of the way to the horizon of the observable universe.

In these Hubble Space Telescope images taken two weeks after the gamma-ray burst, the visible-light fireball has faded to one four-millionth of its original brightness (left). An enlargement (right) shows the host galaxy as fingerlike filaments extending above the bright white blob of the fireball.