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Pages 1-7

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From page 1...
... 3. Described SOM careers, career paths, and attributes and training needed for successful performance of SOM jobs.
From page 2...
... NCHRP Research Results Digest 327: Transportation Implications of Emerging Economic Development Trends, published by the Transportation Research Board in August 2008. ICF's Transportation Recruitment, Development and Retention Practices Database, which extensively cataloged over 150 ‘Best-Practice' recruitment, development, and retention programs for NCHRP (created for NCHRP Project 20-81)
From page 3...
... Using the preliminary literature review findings, we developed a protocol comprised of open-ended questions and probes that allowed for investigation of the factors that facilitate and challenge career growth, as well as the specific career paths that incumbents have followed to pursue an SOM career. For example, the protocol included questions regarding the types of jobs, work responsibilities, education, and training which helped SMEs progress toward their current SOM career.
From page 4...
... This means that abilities have been evidenced through activities or behaviors that are similar to those required on the job. Next, our team generated and analyzed current and future occupational estimates for SOM occupations through the use of SOC codes.
From page 5...
... We identified SOC codes related to the core groups of SOM occupations to generate an expanded list of SOCs from which future applicants can be drawn into the SOM domain. The expanded list of SOC codes contains occupations that are similar in nature to traditional SOM occupations in terms of KSAs.
From page 6...
... Results of Task 2 linked core work functions to training and education courses and allowed our team to determine the existing skills pipeline that augments SOM workforce needs. Task 3: Describe SOM Careers, Career Paths, and Attributes and Training Needed for Successful Performance of SOM Jobs This task sought to describe SOM careers, career paths, and attributes and training needed for successful performance of SOM jobs.
From page 7...
... The revised report served as the foundation for the research conducted in project Tasks 5 through 7. Task 5: Describe and Evaluate Current Practices in Transportation Agencies In this key task, we conducted a thorough assessment of current human resource (HR)

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