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Appendix F: Summarized Comments Received from Members of the Public
Pages 555-576

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From page 555...
... Appendix F Summarized Comments Received from Members of the Public T ables F-1, F-2, and F-3 summarize the comments received from the public regarding potential effects of genetically engineered crops as well as questions and suggestions. When multiple comments focused on the same issue, one was s­ elected as representative.
From page 556...
... The dominance of any specific hybrid or variety Genetic diversity in 143–146 in one crop over a major geographical segment of crop varieties the market should be of concern. The pervasive planting of GE crops modified for one or two traits presents an opportunity for a wipe out by blight.
From page 557...
... farms and fields Insect-resistant crops harm biodiversity, including Biodiversity within 141–142 natural enemies of agricultural pests. farms and fields Bt toxins kill beneficial insects like lacewings and Biodiversity within 141–142 lady beetles.
From page 558...
... They have caused the epidemic levels of Health effects of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and allergies. herbicides associated with herbicide resistant crops There is evidence in mammal feeding studies that Health effects of Bt 184–198 long-term feeding of GE corn and soybeans causes crops damage to kidney, liver, and bone marrow, possibly indicating chronic disease.
From page 559...
... Effects on plant disease Health effects of herbicides associated with herbicide resistant crops GE crops cause gluten sensitivity by affecting Health effects of Bt 215–218, intestinal permeability, imbalanced gut bacteria, crops 221–225 immune activation and allergies, impaired digestion, and damage to the intestinal wall. Health effects of herbicide-resistant crops Livestock fed GE diets require more antibiotics Health effects of Bt 195–197 and have more gastrointestinal disorders and lower crops birth rates/litters than livestock fed non-GE diets.
From page 560...
... This resistant crops new evidence of a serious health threat provides an additional justification for an urgent reevaluation of glyphosate, separate and apart from the chemical's documented ecological harm, which in and of itself is sufficient to trigger immediate review and restrictions on use. Exposure to 2,4-D will increase with the use of Health effects of 180–184 Enlist Duo because more 2,4-D will be in water, herbicides associated food, and air and be available for accidental with herbicideingestion.
From page 561...
... Seed company consolidation due to GE crops has Genetic diversity in 324–327 narrowed farmers' seed options. crop varieties Reliance on glyphosate has created an expensive-to- Effects of insecticide 122–126, fix problem in herbicide-resistant weeds.
From page 562...
... Seed company consolidation due to GE crops has Public sector research 327–331 skewed public sector R&D priorities. Donor support for GE crop development shifts Public sector research 283–287, plant-breeding efforts in developing countries 327–331 away from ongoing work in conventional plant breeding to genetic engineering.
From page 563...
... Seed company consolidation due to GE crops has Consolidation in 316–331 inhibited independent research. agriculture The shift to concentrating on molecular biology in Public sector research 327–331 the university system has depleted funds to public breeding programs.
From page 564...
... Environmental GE crops can contribute to increased production Effects on 98–104, with reduced environmental impact. environment 140–154 Effects of genetic engineering on yield The use of GE crops has reduced the release of Effects on 152–154, greenhouse gas emissions globally because of environment 420 reduced tractor fuel use and additional soil carbon sequestration.
From page 565...
... Herbicide-resistant crops have facilitated the Effects on soil health 152–154 expansion of conservation tillage, helping to reduce and runoff soil erosion. Human Health and Food Safety Regulatory delays of second-generation GE crops 310–316 have created a cost to productivity and to human health.
From page 566...
... Bringing technology like genetic engineering to Socioeconomic 271–287 agriculture in some African countries will make effects in developing farming modern and more profitable, which will countries make a profession in agriculture more attractive to young people and stem the flow of migration out of rural areas. Study after study has shown GE crops to be safe Socioeconomic effects 225, for consumption.
From page 567...
... Traditional breeding is tedious and time-consuming Special concerns with 405–410 for trees. Genetically engineered American chestnut trees is a much faster and surer way to bring back a valuable species.
From page 568...
... Effects of insecticide 236–237 and herbicide use Health effects of Bt crops Health effects of herbicide-resistant crops EPA needs to put a system in place that proactively Effects of insect and 122–126 detects and then remediates populations of resistant weed resistance insects. EPA should mandate herbicide resistance Effects of insect and 136–139 management and provide incentives for integrated weed resistance weed management.
From page 569...
... These do not have to be an "either-or." There is no reason that GE traits cannot be Farmer knowledge introgressed into local crop varieties that might be used in an agroecological farming system. Human Health and Food Safety FDA's review of GE crops is not sufficiently FDA regulatory 184–207, adequate to alleviate health concerns.
From page 570...
... Sufficiency of health 202–207 testing GE crops and food negatively affect everyone, but Sufficiency of health 202–225 particularly those with chronic health conditions. testing
From page 571...
... The impacts of GE crops/food on the gut bacteria Sufficiency of health 221–225 (horizontal gene transfer, antibiotic effects of testing glyphosate, block production of aromatic amino acids, etc.) and their impact on the health of individuals and newborns is unclear.
From page 572...
... effects Public and Social Goods Often quick scientific assessments in developing Socioeconomic 257–287 countries are used to bolster larger claims about effects in developing the usefulness of genetically engineered crops to countries farmers in those countries. More effort needs to be devoted to understanding, Socioeconomic 271–287, over the course of time, which demographic effects in developing 291–294 groups in developing countries benefit from the countries introduction of GE crops.
From page 573...
... engineering Lack of public-sector support for applied research Public sector research 283–287, in genetic engineering hinders the number and types 327–331 of traits developed. The monopolistic powers that create and market Consolidation in 316–331 GE seeds have disingenuous motives.
From page 574...
... The biggest issue with GE crops is the surrounding Intellectual property 316–324 policy and patent abuse, not the underlying science itself. Cost of regulation Scientific Progress The frequency of transformation-induced mutations Unintended effects of 378–395 and their importance as potential biosafety hazards genetic engineering are poorly understood.
From page 575...
... 416–419 While some GE crops are intended to produce new regulatory-RNA molecules, these may also occur in other GE crops not intended to express them. Genome editing is creating indistinct boundaries in Regulation of GE 493–500 existing government regulations of GE crops.

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