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Appendix V: Five- and Ten-Year Review Summaries and Panel Members
Pages 351-364

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From page 351...
... FIVE-YEAR PANEL REPORT SUMMARY It was the task of the NAKFI Five-Year Review Panel to assess the effectiveness of this unusual program and provide guidance concerning its future activities. Although the NAKFI represents a very significant and bold commitment of resources by the W
From page 352...
... Stimulate NAKFI continued its commitment to an evolving Transformative conference model. In 2009, the program experimented Research with the use of podcast interviews conducted by NPR Science Correspondent Joe Palca to communicate the conference themes in an engaging way.
From page 353...
... It was determined that concept mapping was a well-documented and validated approach for accomplishing the environmental scan. The concept mapping approach is a rigorous, mixed methods one, blending qualitative idea generation and sorting and rating those ideas with several multivariate analyses.
From page 354...
... Concurrently, all members of the NAKFI network were asked to participate in the rating task, which involved rating each idea on two separate, 5-point Likert scales on importance and on the extent to which the participant believed the idea was commonly practiced. Approximately 38% of the NAKFI network participated in one or more aspects of the concept mapping project.
From page 355...
... . Computing the concept map required multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis to integrate the sorting information from each individual, converting that qualitative information to quantitative data and developing a series of easily readable concept maps and reports.
From page 356...
... For graduate students and post-doctoral scholars involved in a Futures Grant, their participation provided direct experience conducting interdisciplinary research. According to the NAKFI
From page 357...
... However, the National Academies could play a role in providing consensusbased recommendations to higher education around innovative promotion and tenure guidelines that support and facilitate cross-disciplinary research collaboration. Data accessibility/sharing is a complex issue that could be developed into a potential conference theme, drawing together professionals with expertise in information science, data privacy, computer science, visualization, and related fields.
From page 358...
... 358 COLLABORATIONS OF CONSEQUENCE TABLE V-2 Sample Ideas Contained in Each Area of the Model Research would be more innovative if…. Seven Areas Ten Groups Sample Statements Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinarity and "…scientists were encouraged Collaborations Convergence to attend conferences and professional meetings outside of Collaboration their primary disciplines." "…there was more emphasis on freely sharing ideas and less emphasis on taking credit." "…collaborative research facilities included spaces for brainstorming and collaboration." "…there were more opportunities for cross fertilization of ideas through short-term visits and mini-sabbaticals." Funding Responsive Funding "…seed funding was available for a large number of proof-of Venture Science concept studies." "…institutions provided unrestricted funds for investigators to move projects in new, unrealized directions." "…failure and negative results were recognized as learning experiences." "…high-risk, high-reward projects were supported without requirements for rigorous preliminary data." Ingenuity and Ingenuity and Risk "…curiosity-driven research was Risk-taking Taking incentivized as much as iterative or hypothesis-based research." "…university merit and promotion committees placed greater priority on measures of innovation for published research."
From page 359...
... APPENDIX V 359 TABLE V-2 Continued Research would be more innovative if…. Seven Areas Ten Groups Sample Statements Education and Education and Training "…undergraduate and Training graduate training programs Engagement emphasized the development of interdisciplinary collaboration skills." "…students were encouraged to work with multiple mentors from different disciplines." "…researchers partnered with experts in science communication and public engagement to foster participation in science." Institutional Support Institutional Support "...institutions created mechanisms for postdoctoral fellows to be eligible for pilot projects and seed grants." "…research institutions provided more administrative support for grant writing and management." Data Accessibility Data Accessibility "…data could be more easily shared between researchers across institutions." "…open access lists of unsolved problems and unmet needs were maintained across various fields." Incentives Incentives "…researchers were rewarded for establishing a record outside a single discipline for the purposes of promotion and tenure." "…the promotion and tenure process gave a higher value to collaborative research for early career scientists."
From page 360...
... Work remains to be done to support innovative research. No domains appear in the highly important and commonly practiced quadrant (upper right)
From page 361...
... Conn (NAE) Dean Wellesley College Managing Director Department of Chemistry Enterprise Partners Venture Capital National Academies Staff Timothy L
From page 362...
... Research Professor Investigator, Howard Hughes Center for Human Growth and Medical Institute; Development Francis Crick Professor University of Michigan Salk Institute for Biological Studies Founder and President, Global Philanthropy Alliance Enriqueta Bond (IOM) Founding Partner Thomas A
From page 363...
... Anne Heberger Marino Scott Rosas Program Officer Senior Consultant National Academies Keck Futures Concept Systems, Inc. Initiative Kimberly Suda-Blake Senior Program Director National Academies Keck Futures Initiative

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