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Currently Skimming:

Pages 317-324

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From page 317...
... Victorian novelist Charles Kingsley described it as, "like an evergreen peach, shedding from the underside of every leaf a golden light -- call it not shade? A star apple." 2 Some botanists divide African star apples among different genera: Chrysophyllum, Bequaertiodendron, and Manilkara.
From page 318...
... Budgrafting white star apple, for example, has produced fruiting within 3 years in Nigeria.3 When superior fruits become available they seem likely to find ready outlets in both subsistence and commerce. However, at present not even the basics of production and use are well described.
From page 319...
... . One website touts it for "interior joinery, furniture components, domestic flooring, stairs, decorative sliced veneers, plywood, interior fittings, turnery, construction, vehicle bodies, handles, sporting goods, carvings, agricultural implements." Particularly promising for investigation are the following: White Star Apple This forest tree (Chrysophyllum albidum G
From page 320...
... . African star apples remain horticulturally undeveloped and their nutritional qualities are undocumented.
From page 321...
... 6 is distributed widely, from Guinea to Tanzania and from Nigeria to South Africa, where it is one of the more popular "veld fruit." Its bright scarlet, plumlike fruits have a pinkish-purple pulp of pleasant flavor. Women often collect large quantities, crush them in water, and boil the resulting extract with maize to produce a colorful and tasty porridge.
From page 322...
... The red fruits have a tart but pleasant flavor and are much enjoyed by humans and animals alike. Found in South Africa (Natal coast)

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