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Appendix C: The Public Education Reform Amendment Act and Relevant Amendments
Pages 247-280

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 247...
... She began with PERAA as passed in 2007 and looked up each section in the current District of Columbia Official Code. Sections or words indicated with a strikethrough were amended and are no longer included in the D.C.
From page 248...
From page 249...
... 803. The Public Charter Schools Act of 1996 ..........................................................
From page 250...
... 1008. The District of Columbia Public School Support Initiative of 1986 ...............
From page 251...
... APPENDIX C 251   AN ACT IN THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA To establish the District of Columbia Public Schools as a cabinet-level agency subordinate to the Mayor, to create a Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools, and to establish a Department of Education headed by a Deputy Mayor for Education; to amend the State Education Office Establishment Act of 2000 to change the name of the State Education Office to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, and to transfer and assign state-level education agency functions to the State Superintendent of Education Office; to repeal the Adult Education Designation Amendment Act of 1998; to amend the Early Prevention Program Establishment Act of 2004 to provide that the Early Intervention Program shall be an office of and administered by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education; to establish a new State Board of Education; to create an Interagency Collaboration and Services Integration Commission to address the needs of at-risk children by reducing juvenile and family violence through a comprehensive integrated service delivery system; to create an Office of Ombudsman for Public Education to serve as a communication and problem-resolution mechanism for residents regarding issues related to public education; to create an Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization to manage school modernization projects; to amend the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995 to enable existing public charter schools authorized under the Public Charter Schools Act of 1996 to remain charters without a petition, to establish the Office of the State Superintendent of Education as an office of appeal of a denial of a public school charter, to require a performance review of a public charter school every 5 years, and to clarify that a chartering authority may revoke a school charter for insufficient academic performance; to repeal the Public Charter Schools Act of 1996; to amend the District of Columbia Home Rule Act to repeal section 452 regarding the District of Columbia Public Schools Budget and section 495 regarding the District of Columbia Board of Education; to amend the District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, the District of Columbia Procurement Practices Act of 1985, An Act To fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the board of education of the District of Columbia, An Act To authorize appointment of public-school employees between meetings of the Board of Education, the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1995, the District of Columbia Board of Education School Seal Act of 1978, the Budget Support Act of 1995, the District of Columbia Public School Support Initiative of 1986, the School Based Budgeting and Accountability Act of 1998, and the School Modernization Financing Act of 2006 to make conforming amendments.
From page 252...
... ("Home Rule Act") , the Council establishes the District of Columbia Public Schools ("DCPS")
From page 253...
... 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq.)
From page 254...
... (2) Be responsible for the planning, coordination, and supervision of all public education and education-related activities under its jurisdiction, including development and support of programs to improve the delivery of educational services and opportunities, from early childhood to the post-secondary education level; including the District of Columbia Public Schools, public charter schools, and the University of the District of Columbia; provided, that nothing in this title shall be interpreted to grant to the Mayor any authority over the University of the District of Columbia that is currently vested in the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia; (3)
From page 255...
... ; and (2) The implementation of the recommendations adopted by the Board of Education pursuant to the resolution Adopting the Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Special Education White Paper and Other Recommendations to Improve the Delivery of Special Education Services within the District of Columbia Public Schools, effective March 13, 2006 (Board of Education resolution SR06-22)
From page 256...
... The Mayor shall submit to the Council by September 30 of each year, beginning in 2008, an annual evaluation of District of Columbia Public Schools that includes an assessment of: (ii)
From page 257...
... Prescribe standards for extended learning time beyond the regular school day for public schools, including public charter schools "(9) Oversee the state-level functions and activities related to early childhood   7  
From page 258...
... Formulate and promulgate rules necessary to carry out its functions, including rules governing the process for review and approval of state-level policies by the State Board of Education under section 403 of the Public Education Reform Amendment Act of 2007, pursuant to the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968, (82 Stat.
From page 259...
... Monitor Districtwide assessment administration procedures in randomly selected schools and in targeted schools to ensure adherence to all applicable laws, regulations, and policies, which may occur one week before the administration of a Districtwide assessment and during the administration of a Districtwide assessment; (H) Establish a process by which to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations for the administration of Districtwide assessments for LEA students at nonpublic schools; (I)
From page 260...
... (iii) "Local education agency" or "LEA" means the District of Columbia Public Schools system or any individual or group of public charter schools operating under a single charter.
From page 261...
... , the Office of the State Superintendent of Education shall submit to the Mayor for approval a detailed transition plan, in accordance with section 7, for implementation of the transfers set forth in Title III, which shall begin within 30 days of approval; provided, that prior to completion and submission of the plan, the Mayor shall give notice of the contemplated action and an opportunity for a hearing for public comment on the plan, which shall: "(1) Be formulated in consultation with the Board of Education, the District of Columbia Public Schools, the Public Charter School Board, the Washington Teachers Union, and with any relevant District and federal agencies; "(2)
From page 262...
... "(b) All rules, orders, obligations, determinations, grants, contracts, licenses, and agreements of the Board of Education, the District of Columbia Public Schools, the Department of Human Services, or the University of the District of Columbia relating to functions transferred to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education under subsection (a)
From page 263...
... (2) Upon enactment of Title IX, the members of the Board of Education established pursuant to section 495 of the Home Rule Act shall serve as the initial State Board of Education established by this title until noon, January 2, 2009.
From page 264...
... 699; D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.01 et seq.)
From page 265...
... Approve the list of private placement accreditation organizations, pursuant to the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula for Public Schools and Public Charter Schools and Tax Conformity Clarification Amendment Act of 1998, effective March 26, 1999 (D.C.
From page 266...
... The purpose of the Commission is to promote a vision of the District of Columbia as a stable, safe, and healthy environment for children, youth, and their families by reducing juvenile and family violence and promoting social and emotional skills among children, youth, and their families through the oversight of a comprehensive, community-based integrated service delivery system aligned with the statewide strategic education and youth development plan, described in § 38-191, that includes: address the needs of at-risk children by reducing juvenile and family violence and promoting social and emotional skills among children and youth through the oversight of a comprehensive integrated service delivery system that includes: (1) Comprehensive, multi-disciplinary assessments of children by school-based (2)
From page 267...
... ; (4) Exercise personnel authority for all employees of the Commission, consistent with the District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C.
From page 268...
... (4) The Commission shall consult with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education to ensure that eligible families can access comprehensive and coordinated services for their children of pre-k age, as that term is defined in § 38-271.01(7)
From page 269...
... State Superintendent of Education; (8) Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools; (9)
From page 270...
... (e) For the purposes of this chapter, the term "public school" means District of Columbia Public Schools and public charter schools in the District of Columbia.
From page 271...
... Provide outreach to current and prospective public school students residents and their parents or guardians, and to further this purpose, have the cooperation of all individuals within the public school system; (2) Encourage communication between public schools and current and prospective public school students and their parents or guardians regarding public education residents and the Mayor regarding all levels of public education; (3)
From page 272...
... The Ombudsman shall: (1) Have access to books, records, files, reports, findings, and all other papers, items, or property belonging to or in use by all departments, agencies, instrumentalities, and employees of District of Columbia Public Schools ("DCPS")
From page 273...
... This title may be cited as the "Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization Establishment Act of 2007". Repealed Sec.
From page 274...
... Direct and manage the modernization or new construction of District of Columbia Public Schools ("DCPS") facilities by approving and authorizing decisions at every stage of school modernization, including planning, design, procurement, and construction, in accordance with the Facilities Master Plan required by the School Modernization Financing Act; provided, that it shall not manage routine maintenance at DCPS facilities.
From page 275...
... to read as follows: "(f) Existing public charter schools.– A public charter school that existed prior to the effective date of the Public Charter Schools Accountability Reform Amendment Act of 2007, passed on 2nd reading on April 19, 2007 (Enrolled version of Bill 17-1)
From page 276...
... is added to read as follows: "(63) District of Columbia Public Schools.".
From page 277...
... , is amended as follows: (a) Strike the phrase "District of Columbia Board of Education" wherever it appears and insert the phrase "District of Columbia Public Schools" in its place.
From page 278...
... Official Code § 38-2971.02) is amended by striking the phrase in the heading "District of Columbia Public School" and inserting the phrase "Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization" in its place.
From page 279...
... is amended to read as follows: "(c) The Committee shall forward any written assessment provided to the Director of the Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization to the Mayor, the Council, the Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools, and the Chief Financial Officer.".
From page 280...
... Official Code § 38-2973.04) is amended by striking the phrase "District of Columbia Public Schools" wherever it appears and inserting the phrase "Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization" in its place.

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